Distance Healing in a Nutshell
Light that is sourced from the Spirit World can sometimes be channeled to and then through a medium (channel, conduit) like a Lightworker directly into a client’s body. Alternatively, some Lightworkers can help send that energy to a client wherever they are physically.
What is Light?
Labels are quite helpful, yet are often in short supply when it comes to trying to explain spiritual things, yet we must try Light or healing energy that is sourced from the Spirit World can sometimes be channeled to and then through… READ MORE
The Distance Healing Process
Every Spiritual Healer has their own, unique process of how they currently work so a basic understanding is helpful prior to Appointment day. For example, my process does not include the need to see my clients face so it can be done very close to anonymous. READ MORE
About Bill
My introduction to channeling was becoming attuned to Reiki in the 90’s with the sole purpose of treating my partner’s stomach and feet while we watched tv at night. After he died in 2000, for the next decade, I only did Reiki about once a year for my in laws, about half in person and half with distance. I knew back then, based on their feedback, that… READ MORE